You’d think that in Belgium, a country with a very high population density, not much more biodiversity can be found in addition to...
Tag : Laboulbeniales

O Stigmatomyces baeri, where art thou?
I am a mycologist, and one could argue that I am also an entomologist and a mammalogist. I work quite a bit with insects and with bats. I...

Twee nieuwe insect-geassocieerde schimmels voor de wetenschap uit natuurgebied De Kaaistoep bij Tilburg
De quarantainemaatregelen overal ter wereld hebben ons wakker geschud. Mij alvast. Hoe de wereld op minder dan een half jaar tijd...

[News] New species of fungus sticking out of beetles named after the COVID-19 quarantine
A major comprehensive study on Herpomycetales and Laboulbeniales, two orders of unique ectoparasitic fungi associated with insects and...

Een nieuwe soort voor de wetenschap dankzij Twitter
Een onderzoeker kreeg via Twitter een foto van een miljoenpoot onder ogen en zag wat niemand anders zag: kleine schimmeltjes. Sociale...

Capturing bats to find fungi on flies
IT WAS THE FOURTH NIGHT of fieldwork in the Chucantí Nature Reserve cloud forests in the Darién Province. The expedition at Chucantí...

New fungal taxa from a Panamanian cloud forest
I realized that it took me about two years to get back online on my website. Oops. The hardest part was then figuring out how to do this,...

Review published!
My colleague, André De Kesel from the Meise Botanic Garden in Belgium, and myself wrote a review article about Hesperomyces virescens,...

Expecting the unexpected: Looking for lady beetles and their parasites
THAT MORNING WE DECIDED TO work in a radically different way. No more collecting in the highlands of Chiriquí. No more collecting in...