The large gap between described and estimated species is referred to as the Linnean shortfall in conservation biology or, specifically...

Why Riaz et al. (2023) should be retracted
A few weeks ago, I stumbled across Riaz et al. (2023), “Symbiotic association between ants and fungus” in the Annals of the...

Rare species hanging out in my front yard
You’d think that in Belgium, a country with a very high population density, not much more biodiversity can be found in addition to...

2021 in numbers
2021 top 10 posts by view: Forensic Mycology: Taking Hebeloma to Court The art of taxonomy: how is a new species described? Genetische...

O Stigmatomyces baeri, where art thou?
I am a mycologist, and one could argue that I am also an entomologist and a mammalogist. I work quite a bit with insects and with bats. I...

[News] International team explores the mysterious and understudied parasitic microfungi
The world around you is teeming with life you can’t see. Plants, soil, water, insects – even your hair and skin – are home to...

Danny back@ugent
Toen ik in 2011 mijn schup afkuiste met het indienen van mijn masterthesis, getiteld “Exploring and testing DNA extraction protocols,...

Our response published in Science!
A few weeks ago, Cao et al. (2021) published a letter in Science, about including macrofungi in the post-2020 global biodiversity...

Boek zonder Naam
Ooit schrijf ik een boek. Ik weet nog niet of het autobiografisch moet worden of eerder een fictieverhaal met elementen uit het echte...