When my undergraduate student Warre started his project in February studying microscopic fungal ectoparasites of bat flies, I knew that...

Long-term fungal inventory in Cusuco National Park, Honduras
The Kingdom Fungi includes a highly diverse group of organisms, in terms of both species richness as well as the ecological roles they...

New species named after COVID-19
What do three species of fungi, a weevil, a katydid, a shrimp, and a wasp have in common? Nothing, except for their names. All of them...

A new species of Laboulbeniales finally discovered after millions of years in the waiting
When collaborator Menno Schilthuizen, with whom I published a paper introducing a new species of Diphymyces from Borneo, mentioned...

The art of taxonomy: how is a new species described?
Taxonomy (the science of naming of species) is of fundamental importance to both biologists and conservationists. Without taxonomy, we...

Pizza paper making the rounds
Our predatory paper about the Fishiness of Piscine Birds Linked to Absence of Poisonous Fungi but not Pizza seems to have touched a...

Fishy birds, birdy fish, poisonous fungi, and pizza: Our “scientific breakthroughs” published in predatory journal
Did you see Dan Baldassarre’s wonderful paper entitled “What’s the Deal with Birds?” published on April 1 (!) last year? If...

2020 in numbers
2020 top 10 posts by view: Genetische modificaties: voor of tegen? Forensic Mycology: Taking Hebeloma to Court Parasites of parasites:...

Twee nieuwe insect-geassocieerde schimmels voor de wetenschap uit natuurgebied De Kaaistoep bij Tilburg
De quarantainemaatregelen overal ter wereld hebben ons wakker geschud. Mij alvast. Hoe de wereld op minder dan een half jaar tijd...